As students we have many advantages and disadvantages when it comes to learning online.We can control when, where, and how we study yet it becomes the worst part of it.Too much of freedom can be a problem if we lack self control.So here we are trying to look at the ways to improve our Online learning experience.And most importantly along with all of that we should safeguard health and wellness to encourage good academic performance, longevity and personal happiness.
Common ailments associated with extended screen time include musculoskeletal problems, repetitive stress injury, vision problems, headaches, obesity and stress disorders. So In order to remain physically and mentally healthy, we should consider our work environment and actively aim to minimize any technology-induced health risks.
1. Comfortable workspace:
As I have mentioned about the study place in most of my videos here as well it plays a major role.An ergonomically correct chair can adjust to fit your body in the perfect position. Experts say that the correct posture is when the angle of your back and thighs should be 90 degrees, the angle of your thighs and legs should be 90 degrees, and the angle between your legs and feet should be 90 degrees. As such chairs are expensive, you don’t have to buy those in this period yet make sure you use a chair that complies in a most way with this 90-90-90 rule.
To avoid getting back pains and joint pains it is better to take breaks between the lectures or study sessions where we can stretch ourselves and start fresh in the next session.That will also help to focus more as in POMODORO TECHNIQUE which I have mentioned in this video.Finally, choose a study place that has good ventilation and sufficient natural ambient daylight, if the light is not adequate try to use a table lamp and that will reduce eye fatigue as well as the sleepiness while studying.
2. Limit screen time before bedtime:
It is said that using mobile phones or laptops before going to bed can cause trouble sleeping as well as some sleep disorders.So it is better to avoid using mobile phones before going to bed instead make a habit of reading a book or listening to music before bed.
3. Avoid isolation:
As we all know this period of staying home can cut down many of our healthy relationship habits with our friends and family. Even though we don't realize it can affect our mental health on a very large scale.Even that can drive us to get depression to some extent as well. It is very important to human happiness to have authentic and meaningful friendships and relationships with others beyond virtual relationships in online classes and on social media.So at least try to have more interactive relationships with the family members instead of being locked up with the screen.
4. Drink water:
This is also a fact that I have highlighted in my videos. As you all may know 60% of our total body weight is water so being hydrated while working is very important as dehydration can cause headache, irritability, tiredness and sleepiness. Drinking 2-3 litres of water will help to keep ourselves hydrated enough to get through the day.So make it a habit to have a bottle of water with you every time you are at your study place.
5.Go out :
Rather than being stuck in a room it is way better to go outside and get some fresh air, do a little bit of exercises, eat healthy food and listen to the sounds of nature.
That would be enough I guess. Make sure you follow my blog and Subscribe the YouTube channel to get more of valuable content as this!
Thank you !
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